If you're interested in getting involved, please email us at ccwfoodcoop@gmail.com, visit our Google Groups committee pages, or check out our Facebook group - FM Community Food Co-op!
We'll be at the Green Expo at the Fargo Civic Center May 8-9, and we're holding a Public Meeting at the main branch of the Fargo Public Library May 13 at 7:00pm, so please come visit us at both events!
Temporary name:
Cass-Clay Wholesome Food Co-op
Mission Statement:
Connecting consumers and producers in a nourishing, responsible, community-minded market.
Contact Information:
email: ccwfoodcoop@gmail.com
facebook: FM Community Food Co-op
google groups: FM Food Coop Planning, FM Food Coop Marketing, FM Food Coop Financial, Food Co-op Membership, Food Coop Coordinating Committee
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1591, Fargo, ND 58107-1591
Donation info:We are happy to have a fiscal agent, the FM Area Foundation. You can contribute at http://www.areafoundation.org/page26576.cfm. Choose "Cass clay Wholesome Food Coop" in the drop box. Tax deductible. Donations will match funds for a feasibility study. Our goal is to raise $5000 by June 1. That's 200 people giving $25. Thanks!
Get involved!
We have four main committees working on various aspects of preparation and planning for the food co-op. We would be delighted to have your input and skills help us make this co-op the best it can be! If you see an area of one of these committees that you'd be interested in helping with, please contact the committee via its google group, and we'll let you know meeting times and project opportunities! Or, if you'd like to get involved but are unsure about committees, email us at ccwfoodcoop@gmail.com, let us know a little about yourself and your interest, and we'll put your skills, ideas, and enthusiasm to good use!
Membership/Outreach Committee
Google Group: Food Co-op Membership Committee
Email: food-co-op-membership-committee@googlegroups.com
- Events
- Recruiting
- Education
Google Group: FM Food Coop Planning
Email: fm-food-coop-planning@googlegroups.com
- Research and Development
- Ethics/Values
- Legal
Email: fm-food-coop-marketing@googlegroups.com
- IT
- Marketing
- Public Relations
Email: fm-food-coop-financial@googlegroups.com
- Administration
- Fundraising
- Accounting
Upcoming Events:
Green Expo - May 8-9 - Fargo Civic Center Come visit our booth!
Public Meeting - May 13 - 7:00pm - Fargo Public Library main branch
We'll have a meet-and-greet with the community, talk about the progress we've made and a timeline for the co-op, have donation information, and let you know how you can get involved! Also, we'd like to have the public help us choose our name, so we'll have ideas and a vote!